United Way of King County


Website refresh for home page and main issue pages.



About the project

I was a Web Developer and Content Strategist at United Way of King County in 2018. I helped maintain the main website and was responsible for designing and building pages for events and fundraising campaigns throughout the year.

I've linked some examples of projects I worked on while at United Way. They represent near-final designs, but may not be representative of version hosted on the company site.
All design comps are built with Webflow and hosted on Netlify.

Style guide - Web-specific styling and brand guidelines, geared towards agency and freelancer use.

Homepage refresh - One of the design iterations for the updated homepage on the UWKC website.

"New to Town" - Part of an outreach campaign for people new to Seattle.

"Day of Caring" - The event page for Day Of Caring, a city-wide day of volunteering organized by UWKC.

"Fundraise Online" - Version A - One option for UWKC's new "fundraise online" page.

"Fundraise Online" - Version B - A second option for UWKC's "fundraise online" page.

"Live United" - Signup page for the "Live United" newsletter.


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I'm always interested in collaborations and new projects!

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